mist | week 2 | ecclesiastes 3:1-15

Series – Mist

Summary: There is nothing wrong with ordinary life except that it is always falling apart and slipping away. The preacher in Ecclesiastes says that life is a vanity. By vanity, the preacher means that all life under the sun is a mist. Life happened before us and life is not depending on us to continue. Our life under the sun is like a mist. It is here but it will soon be gone. The preacher, in his wisdom, does not want us to chase after the wind, he does not want us to long for more of the broken world that is falling apart. This world is a mist, yet God has bound eternity to our hearts. In our study we will discover how to receive God’s gift of joy in our ordinary lives under the sun. We will see how joy points us to a restored life beyond the sun, and how through Jesus vanity will, itself, one day become a mist.

ResourcesCommunity Group Guide | Mist: Week 2, video for CGs