Ezra 5-6 | July 10

Series – Ezra + Nehemiah

Summary: The central thread woven through the biblical narrative is grace. One day, by grace, he will “make all things new.” The thread of grace touches every story just like it touches every human life. There are other threads woven in the human and biblical narratives, like rebellion and exile. Rebellion exiles the human heart creating a great distance; a distance that only grace can reach. God’s grace is a love and acceptance given to an exiled and rebellious people. So it is with Ezra and Nehemiah. Rebellious and exiled Israelites receive God’s grace and the restored relationships and security that comes with his grace. Ezra and Nehemiah point forward to a time when, through God’s grace, we will know perfect relationships and total security. 

ResourcesCommunity Group Guide | Ezra | Week 3